Chocolate Quinoa Cake

Chocolate Quinoa Cake
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A super simple Chocolate Quinoa Cake, it's a delicious cake that takes 5 Minutes to make in a mug. It leaves you feeling nourished and energised! We find it a great snack, breakfast, or dessert! It’s also gluten free

Category: desserts


1. 2 tbsp cooked quinoa
2. 1 tbsp chia seed
3. 30 grams protein powder or cocoa powder ( or half of both to equals 30 grams)
4. 1/2 banana
5. 1 egg
6. Optional vanilla (1/4 tsp)
7. Optional honey to make it sweeter (1 tbsp)
8. Drizzle with dark chocolate sauce
9. cocoa powder (unsweetened) to sprinkle on top


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Added 8 years ago by:
Brittnay Sharman Brittnay Sharman
     19 recipes
1 person cheffed this recipe
Brittnay Sharman
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